Sunday, March 20, 2011

Black Cowboy, Wild Horses Spelling and Dictation

  1. mountain
  2. treasure
  3. culture
  4. fountain
  5. creature
  6. captain
  7. future
  8. adventure
  9. moisture
  10. surgeon
  11. lecture
  12. curtain
  13. pasture
  14. measure
  15. vulture
  16. feature
  17. furniture
  18. pleasure
  19. mixture
  20. luncheon
  21. departure
  22. leisure
  23. architecture
  24. texture
  25. villain

1. The moisture from the mixture made the texture of the mountain change.
2. Did the adventure of the luncheon make the villain lecture?
3. I wonder if the fountain is hiding a treasure or if it behind the curtain.

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